Information for Pregnant Patients having a 4D Scan


Peermed 4D scan services can provide you with a picture of your unborn baby. Enjoy sharing the picture with your family and friends!

Peermed’s cash rate is R600 per 4D scan including printed pictures (kindly note that all printed pictures done using a thermal printer in black & white and are done between 27 and 30 weeks of gestation). 4D scans are available in Kempton Park, Germiston, Benoni and Pretoria branches. We accept cards and all medical aids (medical aids billed at medical aid tariffs).

Please call for an appointment. Our normal operating hours are: 8:30am to 5:30pm weekdays and 1pm on Saturdays.

A 4D scan differs from a conventional scan in that it is in colour on screen, and produces life-like pictures of your baby- you can actually watch a live video of your baby! See an examples of a screen shot produced with a 4D scan.
Take home pictures are in black and white.

No, there are no known risks – the procedure is considered to be very safe.

It is best to have a 4D scan done between 27 weeks and 30 weeks of pregnancy. Out of this window, images may be unclear and we may not be able to perform a 4D scan. Furthermore, images are dependent on foetal position and amniotic fluid thus a clear 4D picture may not be guaranteed.

If you wish to know, we will almost definitely be able to tell you (though we dont gurantee due to factors that we cannot control. This may include if your baby has his or her legs crossed)

For parents, a 4D scan helps to alleviate anxieties they may have had, and often provides an opportunity for the Dad to bond with his unborn baby.

We can do a basic dating scan, limited to the confirmation of pregnancy, fetal location and gestational age. Detection of fetal abnormalities can only be done by specialists in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Radiology. We will be glad to assist with a specialist booking.

We also do 4D scans on patients who are battling to fall pregnant. We attempt to detect the presence of ovarian tumors or fibroids. This allows us to treat these problems, and to increase our patients’ chances of conceiving.

Should you wish to enquirer about our services, please fill out the form below . We endeavor to respond to all queries within 48 hours.

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    MONDAY 08:00-18:00
    TUESDAY 08:00-18:00
    WEDNESDAY 08:00-18:00
    THURSDAY 08:00-18:00
    FRIDAY 08:00-18:00
    SATURDAY 08:00-14:00
    PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 09:00-14:00